How to Make Professional Beats In 8 Steps!

how to make professional beats

Have you ever wanted how to make professional beats?

When I first started out, I had no idea how to even begin.  It seemed so complicated. 

But here’s the thing – making beats is something anyone can learn. 

In this post, I’ll walk you through the entire beat making process step-by-step. I’ll break it down in simple language and share plenty of tips I’ve picked up along my journey. 

Let’s start! 

In this how to make beats guide we'll cover:

Step 1: Get Clear on What You Want to Create 

Thinking about how to make professional beats

When I first started years ago, I would just randomly throw sounds together. No planning or thought went into it at all. 

And 99% of the time, my beats came out like a hot mess. There was no direction or purpose behind them. 

It wasn’t until I learned the importance of conceptualizing my tracks first that everything changed.

You can listen to some beats I made on my website for a good starting point. 

See, before you start actually building your beat in your laptop, you need to get clear in your mind on what you want to make. 

Here are some key questions to ask yourself in this planning stage: 

  • What overall mood or emotion do I want my listeners to feel? Upbeat and fun? Dark and moody? Chill and mellow? 
  • What style and genre will it be? Boom-bap hip hop? Dubstep EDM? Lofi house? Defining the genre gives you direction. 
  • Who will my target audience be? Will I make something geared towards club-goers? Gym-goers? Independent artists? Know your crowd. 
  • Do I have a specific theme, concept or message I want to get across? For example, maybe I want to make a beat that inspires people to follow their dreams. 

Really taking the time to conceptualize your track idea before diving into production mode will save you so much time and headache down the road. 

It’s like the old saying goes – if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there. But is “any road” really where you want to end up? 

Know your destination first. Get clear on the beat you want to make in your mind’s ear before it comes together in the real world. 

Once you’ve got clarity on the what, it’s time to move onto the how. Keep reading!


Step 2: Pick Your Main Beatmaking Tool

logo's digital audio workstations - how to make professional beats

You make beats on your computer using something called a Digital Audio Workstation – aka a “DAW”. 

The DAW is the software that lets you record, edit, and mix all the elements that come together to create your beat. 

Some examples of popular DAWs used by beatmakers are: 

There are plenty of options out there. I’d recommend trying out a few different DAWs first to get a feel for what clicks with your personal flow. 

Here are some factors to consider when choosing your main DAW: 

  • Does the overall interface and workflow make sense to you? If the DAW feels confusing, you’ll have a hard time creating. 
  • Do you want to focus on live performance features? Options like Ableton Live cater to that. 
  • Is having a huge sound library important? Some DAWs come fully stocked with sounds. 
  • How much are you willing to spend? There are affordable options like Garageband or pricier tools with more features. 

Trust me, after testing a couple DAWs, you’ll quickly get a sense of which one just “feels right” in your gut. Go with that one! 

Once you’ve locked in your DAW, it’s time to set up a solid foundation for your very first beat. 

Step 3: Optimize Your DAW for Smooth Beatmaking

Young man optimizing DAW for smooth beatmaking - how to make professional beats

When I first started producing beats, I would dive right in without configuring any settings. 

Let’s just say this resulted in a lot of lag, crashes, and lost work that nearly caused me to rage quit for good. 

Later I realized taking just a few minutes to optimize my DAW before starting a new beat saves me HOURS of frustration. 

Here are some quick optimizations you should make so your software runs like butter: 

  • Set your audio sample rate to 44.1 kHz. This will ensure crisp, CD-quality sound. 
  • In your power settings, choose “High Performance” mode. This allows your computer to handle more plugins and effects without lag. 
  • Close any other programs. Running 10 Firefox tabs while producing beats is a recipe for disaster. 
  • Increase your playback and recording latency. This helps avoid distracting clicks and pops. 
  • Save your work constantly! Even hitting “save” every 5 minutes could prevent losing hours of progress. 

With your DAW primed and ready to create, you can now focus on the fun part – laying down some musical magic! 

Let’s start building the beat’s backbone…


Step 4: Craft a Solid Drum Pattern 

Picture | making a solid drum pattern - how to make professional beats

Almost every single beat starts off with a drum pattern. The drums lay down the basic rhythmic foundation that everything else is built on top of. 

I like to get a simple 4/4 drum loop going first before I even think about melodies or basslines. 

Here are some tips for programming drum patterns that bang: 

  • Use a combination of kicks, snares, hi-hats, and percs for rhythmic variety. Too many sounds can get noisy. 
  • For hip hop, place kicks on beats 1 & 3 and snares on 2 & 4. Then fill in hi-hats between. 
  • Start basic at first. You can always add more complexity and groove later. Don’t overcomplicate it prematurely. 
  • Little shifts in timing give drums a human, funky feel. For example, dragging some hi-hats slightly before or after the beat. 
  • Process your drums! Subtle compression and EQ makes a world of difference in beefing them up. 

Once you’ve got a basic drum loop that nods along, you’re ready to move onto the foundation…


Step 5: Add the Bass That Makes It Bang 

Playing the bass guitar - how to make professional beats

Alright, we’ve got drums. Now they need some company. Enter…the bassline. 

The bass is so important for giving your beat knock and thump. Low end is vital – it’s what you feel in your chest when that beat drops. 

Here are some tips for dialing in the perfect bass sounds: 

  • Choose a deep, rich bass patch from a plugin like Native Instruments’ Massive. Model D is great for retro vibes. 
  • For modern styles like trap and hip hop, set your bassline between 40-100 Hz. This deep range gives the thump. 
  • Minor key basslines have a dark, moody vibe. Major keys sound more uplifting and bright. Choose your flavor. 
  • Add some saturation or soft distortion to give your bass grit without losing the low end. A little analog vibe goes a long way. 
  • Don’t overcomplicate the bassline. Focus on finding a simple, catchy groove first before adding flair. 

Once you’ve got drums knocking and bass thumping in harmony, it’s time for the glue that brings it all together – the melody.


Step 6: Craft a Memorable Melodic Theme

Creating a melodic pattern - how to make professional beats

The melodic element is so important for creating an emotive beat people can connect with. Finding that central melody is key. 

Some tips for crafting killer melodic hooks: 

  • Instrument choice matters. Synths and pianos work great. Vocals and strings can also bring organic vibes. 
  • Target a vocal-friendly range between C4-C6. This frequency zone cuts through the mix nicely. 
  • Major scale melodies tend to sound more upbeat. Minor scales bring out darker moods. 
  • Keep it simple at first, then add variations later. A basic catchy melody is better than a super complex idea. 
  • Use chord tones like thirds, fifths, and octaves for pleasing consonant sounds. 
  • Introduce variations every 4-8 bars to develop your theme over time. 

Finding that central musical motif pulls everything together into a polished, professional beat.


Step 7: Arrange Elements for Maximum Impact

man arranging beat on DAW - how to make professional beats

Now we’ve got drums, bass, and melody together. Time to arrange them into a format that tells a compelling story from start to finish. 

Some arrangement tips: 

  • Most beats start with an intro, bringing elements in one by one. This builds anticipation and primes listeners. 
  • Follow standard song structure conventions – verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus. Or abide by common genre templates. 
  • Use risers and breaks to transition between sections smoothly. These dynamic changes keep it moving forward. 
  • Don’t put all your eggs in one basket early on! Spread out your catchiest melodies and loudest drops. 
  • Remove elements and strip things down during a bridge before the climax. This makes the full drop back in hit even harder. 
  • Change up drum patterns, basslines, and melodic motifs every 8 bars at minimum. Repetition causes boredom. 
  • Listen back objectively and tweak levels, panning, and effects. Make sure nothing is clashing or too abrasive. 
  • Resist packing too many ideas in. Editing and simplifying leads to more focused beats. 
  • Arrange similar sections (verses, choruses, etc) in equal lengths. Consistent phrasing establishes flow and groove. 
  • Automate filters, reverb, delay, and other effects to create new textures and transitions throughout the beat. 

Following standard arrangement conventions while also taking some risks with unexpected transitions or variations will keep your listener engaged from start to finish.


Step 8: Mix and Master for Commercial-Ready Polish

Mixing beat/song for commercial ready use - how to make professional beats

Alright, the individual pieces of the beat are in place and arranged. Time for the final flourishes – mixing and mastering. 

Mixing is balancing and polishing all the separate elements into one cohesive, professional-sounding track. 

Mastering then maximizes loudness and musicality for the final release version. 

Some mixing and mastering tips: 

  • Level bass around -6db and kicks at -3db for optimal low end balance. Too quiet or loud causes muddiness. 
  • Use EQ to carve space for each element in the frequency spectrum so they’re not competing. 
  • Add compression, saturation, and other effects across tracks and the master bus to gel everything together. 
  • Pan percussion, backup vocals, and layers to the sides to widen the overall stereo image. Keep keys and lead vox center. 
  • Reverb and delay on individual tracks creates space. Keep it minimal on the master bus to avoid muddiness. 
  • Compare your mix to reference tracks and use them to guide your balancing decisions. Gain stage properly. 
  • During mastering, limit the final track to -0.5db peak level. This achieves loud volume without distortion. 

Putting in the work on mixing and mastering takes your beat from amateur to radio-ready. Don’t skip these crucial final steps!


Wrap Up 

Follow that framework and you’ll be pumping out professional beats in no time. The key things to remember are: 

  1. Conceptualize your beat idea clearly before building it
  2. Choose and optimize your primary DAW 
  3. Lay down solid drums, bass, and melody 
  4. Arrange parts for maximum impact 
  5. Mix and master for polish and loudness 

Of course, the more you practice, the better your skills will become. Be patient with yourself and enjoy the process. 



What BPM should I make my beats? 

The best BPM for your beats depends on the genre you’re producing. Uptempo electronic genres like house and techno sit around 120-130 BPM. For hip hop, aim for 80-100 BPM. Slower styles like R&B and lo-fi hip hop can be 60-80 BPM.  

There are no hard rules, but choosing a tempo suited for your genre will make the beat sound more authentic. Tempos between 90-110 BPM tend to work well across various styles. Don’t be afraid to experiment and see what tempo inspires you most! 

How do I make beats sound gritty and vintage? 

Adding a gritty, vintage vibe to your beats comes down to using the right sound sources and processing. For instruments, look for old-school synthesizers like the Minimoog, ARP Odyssey, or MicroKORG which have inherent analog character.  

Sample-based virtual instruments like Native Instruments’ Kontakt also offer lots of vintage sound libraries. Run your instruments through audio effects like saturation, overdrive, bitcrushing, vinyl filters, and tape delay to dirty up the sound.  

Mix and master through analog outboard gear or plugins emulating vintage gear for maximum old-school flavor. Minor touches like vinyl crackle or tape hiss samples also go a long way. 

How can I get crisp, clear vocals on my beats? 

For clean, polished vocals on beats: Use a pop filter when recording vocals to reduce plosives and sibilance. Pick a vocal mic suited for your voice – large diaphragm condensers like the Neumann U87 work well for most. Set input gains properly to maximize signal-to-noise ratio.  

Use a gate to minimize bleed and background noise in vocal takes. Choose an effective de-esser setting to control harsh sibilance and high frequencies.  

Use light compression to smooth out vocals, adding grit if desired. Find the ideal EQ settings for your particular voice, carving out muddiness and boosting presence. Use pitch correction tools like Melodyne subtly to tune vocals without artifacts.  

Layer backing harmonies to make leads sound lush and full. Reverb, delay and other effects also help vocals sit nicely in the mix. 

What makes a beat catchy? 

Some key ingredients that make beats catchy that I learn include:  

  • Repetitive, loopable melodies and rhythms that get stuck in your head;  
  • Simple, predictable chord progressions and song structures;  
  • Singable melodies that contain familiar scale degrees like the root, 3rd, 5th;  
  • Percussive rhythms and grooves that make you want to nod your head;  
  • Layered textures and ear candy sprinkled throughout to reward repeated listens;  
  • Melodic or rhythmic variations and contrasts to add interest;  
  • Clear and consistent tonality; Basslines and drums that keep energy and momentum flowing;  
  • Vocal hooks and phrases that are easy to remember and sing along to;  
  • Uplifting harmonies and vibes;  
  • A balance of predictability with some unexpected surprises.  

Using science-backed techniques like the Millennial Whoop can also boost catchiness. The ultimate test is getting a catchy beat out of your head! 

Hey, I get it—navigating the music industry isn’t easy!

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When a artist wants to involve a producer in sharing royalties they usually go through these steps;

1. Discuss and Settle on Terms; Before or during the music making process the artist and producer need to agree on how much of the royalties the artist and producer will get.

This agreement should be put down in writing like a contract.

2. Create a Contract; Make a contract that lays out the terms both parties have agreed upon including how royalties will be divided.

This document should clearly state the percentage of royalties going to the producer and any other important details.

Disclaimer: Please note that non-exclusive leases, including Standard, Professional, and Top-Level options, cannot be changed.

This agreement can be discussed for Exclusive rights only!

3. Register with Performance Rights Organizations (PROs); The artist or their team should register their music with organizations such as ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, etc.

During registration they can include information about the producer and how royalties will be shared.

4. Update Music Streaming Platforms; When releasing music on platforms like Spotify or Apple Music make sure to credit the producer(Example: prod by M-Sounds).

Some streaming services may offer options for specifying royalty splits

5. Keep Track of Royalties; It’s essential for both the artist and producer to monitor royalty payments to ensure that the agreed upon split is being implemented correctly.

Regularly review reports, from PROs and streaming platforms.

Consider seeking advice, from accounting experts to guarantee the correct handling of royalties and adherence to contractual obligations.

By overseeing and recording these procedures it guarantees that each party receives their rightful portion of royalties.

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Exclusive License Contract

This {EXCLUSIVE} license agreement is made on {CONTRACT_DATE} (“Effective Date”) by and between {CUSTOMER_FULLNAME} (hereinafter referred to as the “Licensee”) also, if applicable, professionally known as {CUSTOMER_ALIAS}, and {MAHMOUD ABO KANJ} ({M-SOUNDS THE PRODUCER}). (hereinafter referred to as the “Licensor”). Licensor warrants that it controls the mechanical rights in and to the copyrighted musical work entitled {TRACK_TITLE} (“Composition”) as of and prior to the date first written above. The Composition, including the music thereof, was composed by {MAHMOUD ABO KANJ} ({M-SOUNDS THE PRODUCER}) (“Songwriter”) managed under the Licensor.

All licenses are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Master Use.

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee an exclusive license (this “License) to record vocal synchronization to the Composition partly or in its entirety and substantially in its original form (“Master Recording”)

Mechanical Rights.

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee an exclusive license to use Master Recording in the reproduction, duplication, manufacture, and distribution of phonograph records, cassette tapes, compact disk, digital downloads, other miscellaneous audio and digital recordings, and any lifts and versions thereof (collectively, the “Recordings”, and individually, a “Recordings”) worldwide for unlimited copies of such Recordings or any combination of such Recordings, condition upon the payment to the Licensor a sum of {TRACK_PRICE_WORD} {CURRENCY_WORD} ({CURRENCY_SYMBOL}{TRACK_PRICE}), receipt of which is confirmed. Additionally licensee shall be permitted to distribute unlimited internet downloads for non-profit and non-commercial use.

Performance Rights.

The Licensor here by grants to Licensee an exclusive license to use the Master Recording in unlimited for-profit performances, shows, or concerts.

Broadcast Rights.

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee an exclusive license to broadcast or air the Master Recording in unlimited amounts of radio stations.


Licensee shall acknowledge the original authorship of the Composition appropriately and reasonably in all media and performance formats under the name “{MAHMOUD ABO KANJ} ({M-SOUNDS THE PRODUCER})” in writing where possible and vocally otherwise.


Licensee may exploit and monetize from licensee’s unique derived work(s) of composition for use on TV, Film, Video game or other synchronous projects. Licensee may represent other publishing owners of the original composition for exploitation and have full authority of granting non-exclusive license for synchronization use as long as credit and publishing information is provided to such agency.


In consideration for the rights granted under this agreement, Licensee shall pay to licensor the sum of {TRACK_PRICE_WORD} {CURRENCY_WORD} ({CURRENCY_SYMBOL}{TRACK_PRICE}) and other good and valuable consideration, payable to “{MAHMOUD ABO KANJ} ({M-SOUNDS THE PRODUCER})“, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. If the Licensee fails to account to the Licensor, timely complete the payments provided for hereunder, or perform its other obligations hereunder, including having insufficient bank balance, the licensor shall have the right to terminate License upon written notice to the Licensee. Such termination shall render the recording, manufacture and/or distribution of Recordings for which monies have not been paid subject to and actionable infringements under applicable law, including, without limitation, the United States Copyright Act, as amended.


Accordingly, Licensee agrees to indemnify and hold Licensor harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, costs, expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees, arising of or resulting from a claimed breach of any of Licensee’s representations, warranties or agreements hereunder.

Audio Samples.

3rd party sample clearance is the responsibility of the licensee.


This license is non-transferable and is limited to the Composition specified above.

Governing Law.

This License is governed by and shall be construed under the law of {STATE_PROVINCE_COUNTRY}, without regard to the conflicts of laws principles thereof.

– {CUSTOMER_FULLNAME}, owns 60% of publishing rights.

– {MAHMOUD ABO KANJ}, owns 40% of publishing rights



Top-Level License Contract

This {TOP-LEVEL} license agreement is made on {CONTRACT_DATE} (“Effective Date”) by and between {CUSTOMER_FULLNAME} (hereinafter referred to as the “Licensee”) also, if applicable, professionally known as {CUSTOMER_ALIAS}, and {M-SOUNDS THE PRODUCER} ({MAHMOUD ABO KANJ}) (“Songwriter”). (hereinafter referred to as the “Licensor”). Licensor warrants that it controls the mechanical rights in and to the copyrighted musical work entitled {TRACK_TITLE} (“Composition”) as of and prior to the date first written above. The Composition, including the music thereof, was composed by {M-SOUNDS THE PRODUCER} ({MAHMOUD ABO KANJ}) (“Songwriter”) managed under the Licensor.

All licenses are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Master Use.

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive license (this “License) to record vocal synchronization to the Composition partly or in its entirety and substantially in its original form (“Master Recording”)

Mechanical Rights.

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive license to use Master Recording in the reproduction, duplication, manufacture, and distribution of phonograph records, cassette tapes, compact disk, digital downloads, other miscellaneous audio and digital recordings, and any lifts and versions thereof (collectively, the “Recordings”, and individually, a “Recordings”) worldwide for up to the pressing or selling a total of {DISTRIBUTE_COPIES_WORD} ({DISTRIBUTE_COPIES}) copies of such Recordings or any combination of such Recordings, condition upon the payment to the Licensor a sum of {TRACK_PRICE_WORD} {CURRENCY_WORD} ({CURRENCY_SYMBOL}{TRACK_PRICE}), receipt of which is confirmed. Additionally licensor shall be permitted to distribute Unlimited free internet downloads or streams for non-profit and non-commercial use. This license allows up to {AUDIO_STREAMS_WORD} ({AUDIO_STREAMS}) monetized audio streams to sites like (Spotify, RDIO, Rhapsody) but not eligible for monetization on YouTube.

Performance Rights.

The Licensor here by grants to Licensee a non-exclusive license to use the Master Recording in {PERFORMANCES_NOT_FOR_PROFIT} non-profit performances, shows, or concerts. Licensee may receive compensation from performances with this license.

Synchronization Rights.

The Licensor hereby grants limited synchronization rights for {MONETIZED_MUSIC_VIDEOS_WORD} ({MONETIZED_MUSIC_VIDEOS}) music video streamed online (Youtube, Vimeo, etc..) for up to {NONMONETIZED_VIDEO_STREAMS_ALLOWED} non-monetized video streams on all total sites. A separate synchronization license will need to be purchased for distribution of video to Television, Film or Video game.

Broadcast Rights.

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee broadcasting rights up to {NUMBER_OF_RADIO_STATIONS} Radio Station(s).


Licensee shall acknowledge the original authorship of the Composition appropriately and reasonably in all media and performance formats under the name “{M-SOUNDS THE PRODUCER} ({MAHMOUD ABO KANJ})” in writing where possible and vocally otherwise.


In consideration for the rights granted under this agreement, Licensee shall pay to licensor the sum of {CURRENCY_SYMBOL}{TRACK_PRICE} {CURRENCY_WORD} and other good and valuable consideration, payable to “{M-SOUNDS THE PRODUCER} ({MAHMOUD ABO KANJ})”, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. If the Licensee fails to account to the Licensor, timely complete the payments provided for hereunder, or perform its other obligations hereunder, including having insufficient bank balance, the licensor shall have the right to terminate License upon written notice to the Licensee. Such termination shall render the recording, manufacture and/or distribution of Recordings for which monies have not been paid subject to and actionable infringements under applicable law, including, without limitation, the United States Copyright Act, as amended.


Accordingly, Licensee agrees to indemnify and hold Licensor harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, costs, expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees, arising of or resulting from a claimed breach of any of Licensee’s representations, warranties or agreements hereunder.

Audio Samples.

3rd party sample clearance is the responsibility of the licensee.


This license is non-transferable and is limited to the Composition specified above, constitutes the entire agreement between the Licensor and the Licensee relating to the Composition, and shall be binding upon both the Licensor and the Licensee and their respective successors, assigns, and legal representatives.

Governing Law.

This License is governed by and shall be construed under the law of {STATE_PROVINCE_COUNTRY}, without regard to the conflicts of laws principles thereof.


Executed by the Licensor and the Licensee, to be effective as for all purposes as of the Effective Date first mentioned above and shall terminate exactly ten (10) years from this date.



Professional License Contract

This {Professional} license agreement is made on {CONTRACT_DATE} (“Effective Date”) by and between {CUSTOMER_FULLNAME} (hereinafter referred to as the “Licensee”) also, if applicable, professionally known as {CUSTOMER_ALIAS}, and {M-SOUNDS THE PRODUCER} ({MAHMOUD ABO KANJ}) (“Songwriter”). (hereinafter referred to as the “Licensor”). Licensor warrants that it controls the mechanical rights in and to the copyrighted musical work entitled {TRACK_TITLE} (“Composition”) as of and prior to the date first written above. The Composition, including the music thereof, was composed by {M-SOUNDS THE PRODUCER} ({MAHMOUD ABO KANJ}) (“Songwriter”) managed under the Licensor.

All licenses are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Master Use.

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive license (this “License) to record vocal synchronization to the Composition partly or in its entirety and substantially in its original form (“Master Recording”)

Mechanical Rights.

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive license to use Master Recording in the reproduction, duplication, manufacture, and distribution of phonograph records, cassette tapes, compact disk, digital downloads, other miscellaneous audio and digital recordings, and any lifts and versions thereof (collectively, the “Recordings”, and individually, a “Recordings”) worldwide for up to the pressing or selling a total of {DISTRIBUTE_COPIES_WORD} ({DISTRIBUTE_COPIES}) copies of such Recordings or any combination of such Recordings, condition upon the payment to the Licensor a sum of {TRACK_PRICE_WORD} {CURRENCY_WORD} ({CURRENCY_SYMBOL}{TRACK_PRICE}), receipt of which is confirmed. Additionally licensor shall be permitted to distribute Unlimited free internet downloads or streams for non-profit and non-commercial use. This license allows up to {AUDIO_STREAMS_WORD} ({AUDIO_STREAMS}) monetized audio streams to sites like (Spotify, RDIO, Rhapsody) but not eligible for monetization on YouTube.

Performance Rights.

The Licensor here by grants to Licensee a non-exclusive license to use the Master Recording in {PERFORMANCES_NOT_FOR_PROFIT} non-profit performances, shows, or concerts. Licensee may receive compensation from performances with this license.

Synchronization Rights.

The Licensor hereby grants limited synchronization rights for {MONETIZED_MUSIC_VIDEOS_WORD} ({MONETIZED_MUSIC_VIDEOS}) music video streamed online (Youtube, Vimeo, etc..) for up to {NONMONETIZED_VIDEO_STREAMS_ALLOWED} non-monetized video streams on all total sites. A separate synchronization license will need to be purchased for distribution of video to Television, Film or Video game.

Broadcast Rights.

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee broadcasting rights up to {NUMBER_OF_RADIO_STATIONS} Radio Station(s).


Licensee shall acknowledge the original authorship of the Composition appropriately and reasonably in all media and performance formats under the name “{M-SOUNDS THE PRODUCER} ({MAHMOUD ABO KANJ})” in writing where possible and vocally otherwise.


In consideration for the rights granted under this agreement, Licensee shall pay to licensor the sum of {CURRENCY_SYMBOL}{TRACK_PRICE} {CURRENCY_WORD} and other good and valuable consideration, payable to “{M-SOUNDS THE PRODUCER} ({MAHMOUD ABO KANJ})”, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. If the Licensee fails to account to the Licensor, timely complete the payments provided for hereunder, or perform its other obligations hereunder, including having insufficient bank balance, the licensor shall have the right to terminate License upon written notice to the Licensee. Such termination shall render the recording, manufacture and/or distribution of Recordings for which monies have not been paid subject to and actionable infringements under applicable law, including, without limitation, the United States Copyright Act, as amended.


Accordingly, Licensee agrees to indemnify and hold Licensor harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, costs, expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees, arising of or resulting from a claimed breach of any of Licensee’s representations, warranties or agreements hereunder.

Audio Samples.

3rd party sample clearance is the responsibility of the licensee.


This license is non-transferable and is limited to the Composition specified above, constitutes the entire agreement between the Licensor and the Licensee relating to the Composition, and shall be binding upon both the Licensor and the Licensee and their respective successors, assigns, and legal representatives.

Governing Law.

This License is governed by and shall be construed under the law of {STATE_PROVINCE_COUNTRY}, without regard to the conflicts of laws principles thereof.


Executed by the Licensor and the Licensee, to be effective as for all purposes as of the Effective Date first mentioned above and shall terminate exactly ten (10) years from this date.



Standard Lease Contract

This {BASIC} license agreement is made on {CONTRACT_DATE} (“Effective Date”) by and between {CUSTOMER_FULLNAME} (hereinafter referred to as the “Licensee”) also, if applicable, professionally known as {CUSTOMER_ALIAS}, and {M-SOUNDS THE PRODUCER} ({MAHMOUD ABO KANJ}) (“Songwriter”). (hereinafter referred to as the “Licensor”). Licensor warrants that it controls the mechanical rights in and to the copyrighted musical work entitled {TRACK_TITLE} (“Composition”) as of and prior to the date first written above. The Composition, including the music thereof, was composed by {M-SOUNDS THE PRODUCER} ({MAHMOUD ABO KANJ}) (“Songwriter”) managed under the Licensor.

All licenses are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Master Use.

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive license (this “License) to record vocal synchronization to the Composition partly or in its entirety and substantially in its original form (“Master Recording”)

Mechanical Rights.

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive license to use Master Recording in the reproduction, duplication, manufacture, and distribution of phonograph records, cassette tapes, compact disk, digital downloads, other miscellaneous audio and digital recordings, and any lifts and versions thereof (collectively, the “Recordings”, and individually, a “Recordings”) worldwide for up to the pressing or selling a total of {DISTRIBUTE_COPIES_WORD} ({DISTRIBUTE_COPIES}) copies of such Recordings or any combination of such Recordings, condition upon the payment to the Licensor a sum of {TRACK_PRICE_WORD} {CURRENCY_WORD} ({CURRENCY_SYMBOL}{TRACK_PRICE}), receipt of which is confirmed. Additionally licensor shall be permitted to distribute Unlimited free internet downloads or streams for non-profit and non-commercial use. This license allows up to {AUDIO_STREAMS_WORD} ({AUDIO_STREAMS}) monetized audio streams to sites like (Spotify, RDIO, Rhapsody) but not eligible for monetization on YouTube.

Performance Rights.

The Licensor here by grants to Licensee a non-exclusive license to use the Master Recording in {PERFORMANCES_NOT_FOR_PROFIT} non-profit performances, shows, or concerts. Licensee may receive compensation from performances with this license.

Synchronization Rights.

The Licensor hereby grants limited synchronization rights for {MONETIZED_MUSIC_VIDEOS_WORD} ({MONETIZED_MUSIC_VIDEOS}) music video streamed online (Youtube, Vimeo, etc..) for up to {NONMONETIZED_VIDEO_STREAMS_ALLOWED} non-monetized video streams on all total sites. A separate synchronization license will need to be purchased for distribution of video to Television, Film or Video game.

Broadcast Rights.

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee broadcasting rights up to {NUMBER_OF_RADIO_STATIONS} Radio Station(s).


Licensee shall acknowledge the original authorship of the Composition appropriately and reasonably in all media and performance formats under the name “{M-SOUNDS THE PRODUCER} ({MAHMOUD ABO KANJ})” in writing where possible and vocally otherwise.


In consideration for the rights granted under this agreement, Licensee shall pay to licensor the sum of {CURRENCY_SYMBOL}{TRACK_PRICE} {CURRENCY_WORD} and other good and valuable consideration, payable to “{M-SOUNDS THE PRODUCER} ({MAHMOUD ABO KANJ})”, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. If the Licensee fails to account to the Licensor, timely complete the payments provided for hereunder, or perform its other obligations hereunder, including having insufficient bank balance, the licensor shall have the right to terminate License upon written notice to the Licensee. Such termination shall render the recording, manufacture and/or distribution of Recordings for which monies have not been paid subject to and actionable infringements under applicable law, including, without limitation, the United States Copyright Act, as amended.


Accordingly, Licensee agrees to indemnify and hold Licensor harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, costs, expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees, arising of or resulting from a claimed breach of any of Licensee’s representations, warranties or agreements hereunder.

Audio Samples.

3rd party sample clearance is the responsibility of the licensee.


This license is non-transferable and is limited to the Composition specified above, constitutes the entire agreement between the Licensor and the Licensee relating to the Composition, and shall be binding upon both the Licensor and the Licensee and their respective successors, assigns, and legal representatives.

Governing Law.

This License is governed by and shall be construed under the law of {STATE_PROVINCE_COUNTRY}, without regard to the conflicts of laws principles thereof.


Executed by the Licensor and the Licensee, to be effective as for all purposes as of the Effective Date first mentioned above and shall terminate exactly ten (10) years from this date.



Exclusive License

This license is suitable for:

For the artist that is signed to a (major) label, having setup a great marketing plan and has a big following.

You will own Exclusive rights to the beat and the beat will be removed from the beat store.

  • Artist(licensee) will own 60% publishing 
  • Producer(licensor) will own 40% publishing

💡Tip: Make sure you have a big number in streams(Spotify, Apple music, etc..), on the verge on blowing up, signed to a (major) label, have a great marketing plan, performing on stage/shows before going for the Exclusive rights!

*Prices starts at; $700,-*

Basic License

This license is suitable for:

This basic license is perfect, for up and coming musicians looking to showcase their music on platforms, like Spotify, SoundCloud or YouTube. 

It includes a industry-quality, single MP3 file(With Producer Tag)

Track stems are not included!!

💡Tip: Start with basic-leases first!

After seeing streams surpassing 5000 audio streams, then decide to purchase a higher-level lease, so you don’t spend to much.

Professional Lease

This lease is suitable for:

This is for the experienced artist with a small fan base with bigger streams reaching up to 40 000.

It includes a High-quality Wav file (No Producer Tag)

💡Tip: When you have purchased a lease from the same beat/instrumental and you decide to upgrade it, you only have to pay the difference. 

Example: You purchased a Basic lease ($35) and you decide to upgrade it to a Professional lease ($85) for the same beat/instrumental. The amount that is left is: $50

($35 – $85 = $50)

Top level License

This license is suitable for:

This Top-Level license is ideal, for artists who have a large fan following and impressive streaming numbers.

Track Stems included for a better quality final mix!

💡Tip: When you add three beats or instrumentals to your cart the third beat is automatically free! 🛒